New Outdoor Gym Equipment

Published: 19 January 2023

On 6th January, 2023, a set of new outdoor  ‘Caloo’ Gym equipment was installed at Fryer Field.
A ‘free to use’ fitness solution, come and make the most of the fresh air and this free facility.

There are 5 different exercise units for a full body workout;
One rower, one set of exercise bars, one lat pull and chest press combi, one leg press, and an arm bike and wheels.
This equipment has everything you need to stay fit and enjoy the workout outdoors!

On each there are instructions for use and a QR code to download the app for workouts and guidance.

It has long-lasting benefits to communities including improvements in social cohesion, community health and a reduction in anti-social behaviour, loneliness and isolation.

A picture containing text, grass, tree, outdoor  Description automatically generatedWe hope residents enjoy the equipment but must remind all to be sensible and ‘exercise’ caution when using it.