Jubilee Copse Sapling Maintenance Update

Published: 12 October 2023

Saturday 30th September, 2023
The importance of a woodland has come to the fore in the 21st Century. If we can save as many of the saplings as possible at our Jubilee Copse, it will not only contribute to preserving this special piece of the planet, but residents can also continue to enjoy the biodiverse space as a recreational amenity. Over 400 saplings were planted in January and March last year, by Community volunteers and Councillors and Council staff. After 12 months, it became clear that the saplings needed some care, so we organised a sapling maintenance session in June this year. It was a hot day and as motivated as everyone was that showed up, we did not achieve as much as hoped. So, the community was called upon once again, and an appeal for help was publicised in July. Once a few names came forward, a date of Saturday 30th September was agreed. A big thanks to; Eunice Clayton-Paine, Mike Amos, Ian King, Steve Dawes, Cllr Penny Yeo, Cllr Jordan Randall, Clerk Judi Weedon, Assistant to the Clerk Amie Fawcett, Rosie Brown (WMYC Treasurer) and our Groundsman Steve Merrick (Terrafirma) for their time and assistance. There is still a considerable amount of maintenance to be carried out, so the council may consider employing a professional to complete the work, as time and weather may not be on our side soon!

Wednesday 20th September:
Sapling maintenance morning where more saplings need your tlc.
Help us look after these saplings by donating
a couple of hours of your time, on Saturday 30th Sep. The same session was carried out on 3rd June, but there are still more to tend to.
Not only are you helping to beautify the Jubilee Copse, but you will be helping towards removing air pollution & Providing more oxygen.
All the while, carrying out green exercise and connect with nature.
Contact the office if you can join us.

Jubilee Copse TLC 30.09.23