West Moors Community Speedwatch

Excessive speed through neighbourhoods is one of the most common issues raised within the community.

In November 2023, a new Speed Indicator Device (SID) was installed, on one of the main roads in West Moors. It is relocated every 6 weeks in order to cover various areas of concern.

The SID does not take pictures of the traffic, therefore, does not record any personal data. They monitor the speed of approaching traffic and flash up the speed of the vehicle and a warning to "slow down". This is a very helpful reminder, which we hope will combat the speeding issue in West Moors.

What is Community Speedwatch:

Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative where active members of local communities join with the support of Dorset Police (DP) to monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices.

Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. In cases where education is blatantly ignored and evidence of repeat or excessive offences is collated (even across county borders), enforcement and prosecution follow.

Why do we do it:

Reduce death and injury on the roads
Improve the quality of life for our local community
♥ Reduce the speed of vehicles to the speed limit
Increase public awareness of inappropriate speed

Speedwatch activity is not about interfering with neighbours' behaviour; it is a proactive solution to improve the safety and quality of life for everyone in the community. If drivers stick to the speed limits, then they have nothing to worry about. No one wants pedestrians, animals etc. to get hurt.

How does it operate:

All operators are volunteers who give up their time to help the community.
They are all trained to a Police standard.
West Moors CSW endeavour to go out in teams of usually three at random times and to random approved locations with a calibrated Speed indicator device and high vis’s. They will log drivers who exceed the speed limit plus 10% plus 2 mph which is 35 mph, with the necessary data to identify them.

The new CSW group has been set up in response to the many concerns raised by residents about speeding in West Moors.
One such resident, and West Moors Councillor, Cllr Trevor Salt, was very keen to revive the CSW scheme that ran successfully in West Moors a few years ago, which we are pleased to say is now underway, having held its first introductory session Sunday 19th November, on Pinehurst Road, with all volunteers that had completed training, present.

CSW data is uploaded onto the Dorset Police Community Watch system and speeding vehicles are checked for Tax and MOT
Any vehicle doing over 35 mph gets a warning letter on the first occasion, on the second occasion a stronger letter and if monitored 3 times it is likely that a Police Officer will visit the driver.

The Dorset PCC have purchased a number of Automatic Speed Watch cameras which are currently under trial throughout Dorset. These new cameras continuously monitor vehicle speed during daylight hours, the West Moors CSW team have requested to be part of the trial and are awaiting further information from the Dorset CSW Co-Ordinator.


We currently have 14 volunteers but it would be great to have more volunteers, so the less time that each one needs to give to the scheme and the more monitoring that can be done, also, 2 teams can go out during one session, covering 2 locations.

If you would like to join the group, please contact Cllr Salt on:
CllrSalt@westmoors-tc.gov.uk and cc the council office on:

You can find out more about the scheme at https://www.dorsetroadsafe.org.uk/enforcement-operations/community-speed-watch/
or by contacting the Community Speed Watch coordinator:
Maria-Louise Attwood 07709 718960.

Automatic Speed and Traffic Count 2022
In 2022 automatic traffic counts and speed was monitored. The results are shown in the spreadsheets below.

Traffic data 2022 - Station Road near Ashurst Road 
Traffic Data 2022 - Station Road near Queens Close