Awards and Grants

For advice on any claims, contact the Council Office. West Moors Town Council offers financial support to individuals and organisations across the community through Awards and Grants on a discretionary basis – a brief summary is given below – with links to documents in support of each category. Details of the Awards/Grants are contained in the Minutes & associated Annexes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

Various / Miscallaneous Grants Awarded by West Moors Town Council


23rd May 2024

Minute No 24/034b

Vision Wimborne Dial A Ride

A grant of £500 to assist with the running costs of providing transport needs to people with limited mobility.. 

18th January 2024

Minute No 23/270a

Home Start Wessex

A grant of £1,800 to assist with targeted support for families in West Moors.

Minute No 23/270b

East Dorset and Purbeck Citizens Advice Bureau (EDP CAB)

A grant of £1,500 to continue the operation of the CAB for 2023.24.


Minute No 23/162

21st September

West Moors Youth FC

A grant of £500 to expand and develop the club, starting with the purchase of new equipment.

Minute No 23/032

25th May

Vision Wimborne Dial-a-ride

Grant of £500 to assist with the running costs of providing transport needs to people with limited mobility. It was noted that the service provided 99 trips for West Moors residents in 2022/23

Minute No 22/335

 9th March

Dementia Action Group

A grant of £750 was awarded for the financial year 2022/23 and WMTC asked the Action Group to submit another grant application in 2023/24 financial year.

Home-start Wessex

A grant of £900 had already been awarded in July 2022, and an additional grant of £550 was awarded here, for the financial year 2022/23.

East Dorset and Purbeck Citizens Advice Bureau

A grant of £800 for the financial year 2022/23.


Minute No 21/261

20th January

West Moors Memorial Hall

A grant of £400 be awarded to West Moors Memorial Hall for car park maintenance only to be paid in the new financial year (April 2022)

Minute No 21/324

10th March

Oakhurst Community First School:

A grant of £500 from the 2022/23 grant budget for help with completing the forest school roof.

St. Martin’s United Reformed Church:

A grant of £500 from the 2022/23 grant budget to help toward the kitchen refit.

West Moors Townswomen’s Guild:

A grant of £150 from the 2022/23 budget, to assist with the running of the group.

Minute No 22/081

14th July

Home Start Wessex

A grant of £900 awarded to Home Start Wessex for 2022/23 to assist families in West Moors. If Council had sufficient funds available in February 2023, then an additional payment may be considered.
See March 2023 application



Minute No 559

21st January

West Moors Memorial Hall

A grant of £800 towards the installation of CCTV for the year 2020/21. The grant money to be release only when the works are complete, and evidence provided.

West Moors Flower Group

A grant of £250 under the Covid-19 grant scheme, to assist with the payment of affiliation fees due to reduced income caused by the pandemic.

Minute No 610

11th March

Myra Wells

A grant of £250 under the Covid-19 grant scheme, to help compensate for the missed opportunity of giving talks to various groups which is the main source of funding for their projects

West Moors Towns Women’s Guild

A grant of £150 under the Covid-19 grant scheme, to assist with paying fees for the Guild as subscriptions had not been collected due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Women’s Institute

A grant of £150 under the Covid-19 grant scheme, to assist with the cost of upcoming events in preparation for this year’s centenary celebrations.

Minute No 21/050

1st July

West Moors Community Speedwatch:

A grant of £296.79 be awarded to the West Moors Community Speedwatch Team in order to purchase updated equipment. The grant to be paid once the Community Speedwatch Team is active again.

Minute No 21/135

9th September

Citizens Advice Bureau – Purbeck and East Dorset:

A grant of £600 to Purbeck and East Dorset Citizens Advice Bureau for the year 2021/22, to assist with costs for helping residents of West Moors.

Minute No 21/198

11th November

St Anthony’s Church

A grant of £1,000 for the installation of a new defibrillator outside of the church

Home-Start South-East Dorset

A grant of £1,600 be awarded Home-Start South-East Dorset for the year 2021/22, to provide support to disadvantaged families in West Moors.


Jean Ware Legacy Award **No Longer Available**

The Council hopes that all 9 talented recipients of this award continue on their road to success and feel proud that they were part of their journey. 

The award was given to a young person (aged 11 - 17) living in the village who is doing exceptionally well at a sport or in the Arts and who would benefit from financial support as they continue to train and participate. The Award has a maximum value of £1000.

History: in 2012 West Moors Parish (now Town) Council celebrated the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the Summer Olympic Games in London, by introducing the Legacy Award. Due to the success of the Award the (then) Parish Council decided that the scheme should continue. It was originally granted to a young resident of West Moors who had demonstrated a particular talent in sport or other physical activity, with the aim of furthering that individual's talent. In 2015 the council extended the award scheme to include the Arts, such as music, drama, painting, literature etc. Further, following the sad death of Councillor Jean Ware in 2016, who was instrumental in setting up the scheme, the Award was renamed in her honour.

Apprenticeship or Vocational Training Grant **No longer available**

This grant was given to young people (aged 16 - 20) in apprenticeships or vocational training to meet some of the cost of tools and equipment essential to their course.


Winners List:

December 2016 Charlie Hewitt - Ebblake Tyres

July 2016 Ben Watts - Mechanical Engineer.

June 2018 Liam Griffin - Butler Plumbing and Heating.                             

November 2018 Zoe Knight - Photography ‘A’ level course                   

December 2018 Rebecca Watts Hairdressing.                                                     

September 2020 Faye Morgan - Aircraft mechanic                                           

November 2021 Ben Davis - Motor Mechanic.                                            

January 2023 Jessica White - Photography course



Good Citizen Award

The Good Citizen Award honours those people who may not get the recognition they deserve for their efforts to help or improve the community or an individual; a 'Good Citizen' is someone who undertakes selfless acts for the good of the community without financial motive. More detail regarding the requirements for a successful nomination are contained within the Guidance Notes (see link below). There are two categories: Junior (any young person of school age) and Adult (18+).

To qualify for the Award, the recipient must be a resident of West Moors. A trophy awaits the winner and 'recognition certificates' are also available.

Presentation of the awards will be made at the Annual Public Meeting, which is being held on Thursday 11th April, 2024.
There are 7 nominees, of which 6 will receive the Recognition Certificate and the Winner will be presented with a glass award, that they can keep forever.

The closing date for nominations this year, was 25th March, 2024

April 2024


Wendy Osborne – Community fundraising
Mary Male - West Moors Memorial Hall Trustee & Secretary – Volunteer
Roger Male - West Moors Memorial Hall Trustee – Volunteer
Michelle Bennett – Castleman Community Larder
5. Ian Linehan - West Moors Memorial Hall Trustee & Chair - Volunteer
6. Andrew Risby - West Moors Memorial Hall Trustee & Treasurer - Volunteer
7. Jamie Gaskins – West Moors Youth Club Event Volunteer

April 2025
April 2026


APPLYING for Miscellaneous grants / donations

Small grants / donations are available for West Moors organisations, charities and societies. The Town Council recognises the importance of funding for the voluntary sector such as sports clubs, cultural or recreational events.



West Moors Youth & Community Club

The Town Council has had a long-standing commitment to support the youth of West Moors and in particular provides funds to the local Youth Club. Since withdrawal of county-level funding in 2016/17, the Council provides a grant for the provision of a qualified youth worker.
In 2022/2023 (09.01.23), the Council has spent £19,400 to support the Youth Club and for 2023.24 (13.10.23) it was £18,500


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