The Oakhurst Children’s play area hosts eco-surfacing, seating, and play features including a Multi Play (junior) Activity unit, 2 play panels, spinning pole, talk tubes, steppingstones, rope swing, net climber, see-saw and a basket swing.

The play area is for the exclusive use of Oakhurst First School during school times but is open for all to use outside of school hours.
The area is closed at dusk each evening, by the Gatekeeper employed by West Moors Town Council.
At weekends it is opened by 9am and again, closed by dusk.
In the summertime, it is closed by7-7.30pm.

As with the Fryer Field Play Area, regular checks are carried out;
1. Daily by our Groundsman (visual inspections of paths, equipment seating, fencing etc)
2. Monthly Inspections by 'Elite Playground Inspections'.
3. Annually by The Play Inspection Company'