Finance Committee

The task of this committee is to prepare the annual budget for the Council from requests and recommendations made by the other committees and through Council decisions.

During the year the committee monitors expenditure and revenues through accounts prepared by the Responsible Finance Officer.
They monitor internal controls of the financial systems and ensure the Council receives value for money. They also oversee the development and implementation of policies for the Council.

The committee also considers requests for small grants to West Moors organisations, charities and societies.

This committee also oversees all staff related matters.
Current employees are: Town Clerk, Assistant to the Clerk, cleaner and three gate keepers.

The meeting is held at the Council Pavilion, Fryer Field, starting 7.30pm, and is open to members of the public, who will get 3 minutes to speak each, 10 minutes total.

You can find details of the committee members, agendas, reports and minutes of the West Moors Town Council Finance and General Purpose Committee meetings, under Council/Agendas/Minutes

Notices and agendas of all meetings are posted on the 4 notice boards, 3 clear working days before the meeting date, which are situated at Pinehurst Road outside the parade of shops, on Woolslope Road, on Station Road outside Holly Court and outside West Moors Middle School on Heathfield Road.


Cllr Colin Way- Chair
Cllr Mrs Penny Yeo - Vice Chair

Cllr Mike Hawkes
Cllr Mrs Carol Holmes
Cllr Jordan Randall
Cllr Mrs Nicki Senior
Cllr David Shortell
Cllr Jim Staig
Cllr Keith Wilkes


Finance Information

The primary source of income for most Town Councils comes from the Precept, which is a local tax collected by the Unitary Authority (Dorset Council) of behalf of the Town Council.

This money is required to run the Town Council and maintain and improve the facilities and services that it provides.

The precept is normally the cost difference between the budgeted (expected) expenditure and the budgeted (expected) income for the financial year.

It is prudent for local councils to hold funds in reserve for future planned projects and/or unexpected costs that may arise.

The Town Council forecasts the amount of funding it will require for the following financial year and then requests this funding from Dorset Council in the form of a precept tax, which is included in your Council Tax.

The Precept is calculated using the cost of a Band D property.

When a Council Tax bill is received the portion paid to the Town Council is stated as well as the amounts paid to Dorset Council, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority, Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner.

In 2023/24 the Town Council cost to a Band D property will be £56.73 for the year.
In 2024/25 the Town Council cost to a Band D property will be £59.43 for the year.
In 2025/26 the Town Council cost to a Band D property will be £71.03 for the year.

To calculate the cost for the other Band of property multiply Band D cost by the appropriate factor shown below.

Band A 6/9

Band B 7/9

Band C 8/9

Band D 1

Band E 11/9

Band F 13/9

Band G 15/9

Band H 2

Example calculation for a Band G property:

£71.03 x 15/9 = £118.38

2024 - 2025
Budget Information 2024-25
Where the Council gets its income from and how it spends its budget
Council Spending over £500 from 1st April 2024 
Earmarked Reserves 
Annual Governance Statement 2024-25 (not available yet) 
Accounting Statement (not available yet) 
Explanation of Variances (not available yet)
Declaration from the Responsible Finance Officer (not available yet)
Community Infrastructure Levy Report 2024-25 
2025 - 2026
Budget Information 2025-26 
Where the Council gets its income and how it spends its budget 
Council Spending over £500 from 1st April 2025 
Earmarked Reserves