Christmas Tree Festival

St. Martin's URC, Station Road

1 Dec 21<>

First day - West Moors Christmas Tree Festival - ends Saturday 4th

Wednesday 1st to Saturday 4th December, 2021


The West Moors Christmas Tree Festival is held inside St. Martin's United Reformed Church, which is situated on the corner of Station Road with Moorlands Road - just across from the Library. The event started in 2015 and is held annually, though of course we missed out last year (2020) for obvious reasons.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the church doors are open (approx) 11.00 am - 5.00 pm; on Friday, the day of the Christmas Fair, the church will be available well into the evening - roughly until 9.00 pm. On Saturday, the final day of the Festival, then doors will close early afternoon, around 2.00 pm. 

A raffle will be available - and donations are welcome. Refreshments will also be laid on - no charge for these, but again a donation would be appreciated. 

Proceeds (donations, raffle income etc.) will be split equally between Macmillan Caring Locally (Christchurch Hospital) and the British Heart Foundation.  For more detail, please contact the church.